Kushinagar, located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India, is one of the primary centres of Buddhist pilgrimage in the world and is renowned today as sites of the Buddhist circuit. The journey to Kushinagar, both historically and spirituality, is loaded with significance and realization. The Buddhist Circuit of the state invites people of all ages seeking spiritual solace for an inward journey to Kushinagar.
Kushāvatinagar of historic times was a bustling place. It flourished as one of the significant towns in the Malla kingdom. Mahaparinibbana marks the profound moment of Buddha’s passing into ultimate liberation, embodying the end of his worldly journey in the cycle of birth and rebirth and achieving ultimate enlightenment. This holds immense importance in Buddhism as it signifies the annihilation of the origin of suffering from its root and attainment of spiritual realization.
After many years of sermon and spreading His message of realization, he reached eighty years old and realised that his time in this world was approaching an end. According to Mahaparinibbana sutta, he and some of his disciples embarked on a month-long journey to Kushinagar that would take them from Rājagṛha, through Pāṭaliputta, Vesāli, Bhoganagara, and Pāvānagar. It was at Pāvānagar where Lord Buddha was served a meal called sūkaramaddavaṁ by Cunda, a resident of Pāvānagar. This proved to be the Buddha’s last meal. According to Mahaparinibbana Sutta, ‘While having dysentery the Buddha said, ‘I am going to Kuśinagara.’ Then the Buddha accompanied by the assembly of disciples crossed the Hiraṇyavati River and reached a grove of Śāla trees where he lay down on the ground between a pair of Śāla trees; with his head to the north, face to the west, and feet to the south, he lay as if asleep. This journey holds immense significance in Buddhism as it exemplifies the end of fleeting life dedicated in search of truth and liberation from misery, and attainment of realization.
Recalling all this, as visitors enter the sacred site the soothing echoes of बुद्धं शरणं गच्छामि, धम्मं शरणं गच्छामि, संघम शरणं गच्छामि। (Taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha community) and fragrance of the perfection of discipline permeate throughout the temple, leading visitors to experience a heightened spirituality. When observing the reclined Buddha, visitors are struck by the divine presence it exuded. Beautifully shaped statue’s magnificent appearance reminds us the transient nature of life, a deeper understanding of the reality of samsara and allows every group of age to mindfully enjoy the present moment. Visitors can experience a spontaneous bliss beyond mundane existence, regardless of their beliefs.
With mindfulness, visitors circumambulate the reclined Buddha thrice, noticing the details of the inscriptions around the statue, which led them to forget the hustle-bustle of the world and placed them in His divine presence.
On moving further with chanting mantras, visitors reach Ramabhar Stupa, historically known as Mukutbandhan Chaitya, marking the site where the body of the Blessed One was cremated followed by rite and ritual prayers. According to Buddhist scriptures, Upāsakas and bhikkhus then venerated and performed offering rituals to the Blessed One’s body for seven days. On the eighth day, they carried the Blessed One’s body through the town, entering via the northern gate and exiting through the eastern gate, to the Mallans’ grove called Mukut-bandhan where they performed the cremation. Recollecting all this, when they gaze upon the Stupa, a sense of tranquillity and divinity can be experienced. Pilgrims and visitors pay homage to the Buddha; their hearts overflow with devotion and reverence. Walking through the site allows visitors to completely immerse themselves into the essence of Buddha’s celestial footprints, echoing the sacred energy from ages ago.
In the vast expanse of spirituality, the environment of the main sacred site emanates serenity with its temple, sacred tree, and beautiful garden. Surrounding landscape is adorned with lush greenery, tranquil water, natural scenic beauty, and chirping of the birds, giving rise to joy in the mind of beholder. When embarking on a journey to Kushinagar, pilgrims and visitors often find themselves cloaked in the realm of calmness and self-introspection. A sense of oneness among humans and with nature takes birth as they walk around the sacred sites.
As Lord Buddha renounced worldly attachments, this journey reminds us the value of renunciation and detachment onto the path leading to spiritual growth. It serves as a reminder of the possibility of liberation from suffering through practicing mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom.
Sitting under the sacred shadow, visitors engage in meditation, allowing themselves to experience the profound sense of peace that infuses the air. They meet monks in robes, walking calmly around the sacred sites, chanting mantras and engaging in contemplation, adding to the overall sense of serenity.
Visiting Kushinagar is not merely a physical tour, but inner journey filled with self-observation, realization, and a holistic understanding of humans and the physical environment.
Uttar Pradesh is blessed with the footprints of Lord Buddha at different locations. The Buddhist Circuit of the state can be a turning point for believers.