The main reason that Shravasti became a significant place for the Buddha was the philanthropy of Anathapindika, a prosperous merchant and loyal disciple. This historical journey commenced more than two millennia ago with the arrival of Gautama Buddha in Shravast. The city welcomed him warmly, particularly a rich merchant called Anathapindika. He became one of the most devoted followers of Lord Buddha later. Anathapindika first met the Buddha at Rajagaha (modern-day Rajgir) and offered a meal. The Buddha accepted his offer. Subsequently, he embarked on a mission to establish a monastery where the Buddha and his Sangha could reside peacefully. Anathapindika diligently looked for a serene and secluded location to construct the sanctuary, eventually acquiring a park owned by Prince Jeta. He purchased a lush grove from Prince Jeta by covering the park with gold coins, thus laying the foundation for the Jetavana monastery. This monastery was gifted to the Buddha and his Sangha (monastic community), which turned into the Buddha’s favoured residence where the Buddha spent his 25 monsoon retreats. The tranquil surroundings provided solace, with the Buddha often spending his time after enlightenment under the Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya.
One of the most captivating tales from Shravasti is that the Buddha displayed the twin miracles to demonstrate the power of the Dhamma and to confront the doubts raised by skeptics, competing ascetics, and followers who were uncertain in their beliefs. This remarkable display quieted his adversaries and motivated countless followers. Generally, the display of miracles was primarily shown to subdue the six non-Buddhist schools of logic, not to demonstrate one’s own qualities. However, this location was not solely significant for its miracles. It was here that Gautama Buddha emphasised the importance of kindness, mindfulness, and spiritual development. From this place, Buddha’s teachings transformed lives, inspiring a notorious bandit named Angulimala to renounce violence and embrace peace. This story of Angulimala demonstrates that even after committing a great sin, there is still an opportunity for repentance. It encourages us not to lose hope but to confess our accumulated negative actions, obscurations, and habitual tendencies. So, the people visit the sacred places to repent, seeking to purify their physical and mental sins and obscurations and to cultivate peace in their minds where the Buddha delivered the most profound discourses, such as the Satipattana sutta and the Anapanasatisutta, which both teach how to lay the foundation of mindfulness practice and how to focus on meditation techniques. The serene atmosphere of this grove made it a perfect setting for cultivating mindfulness and enhancing spiritual growth.
In the modern era, the significance of equality and harmony in our society is well known. About 2500 years ago the Buddha began to emphasize equality and harmony among his followers. This place offers not just a glimpse into the life and teachings of the Buddha but also a golden opportunity to connect with the essence of tranquility and shanti. Additionally, is it possible that one can bring simplicity to perceiving the complexity of the external world? This is the place that teaches us to see life in a simple way despite its complexity.
In Shravasti, there are several essential sites to visit: the remnants of the Jetavana monastery, which was constructed and donated to the Buddha by the wealthy merchant Anathapindika, the Ananda Bodhi tree, planted by the beloved disciple Ananda, which represents the spiritual symbols of enlightenment, and the Angulimala Stupa, which tells the tale of Angulimala, a notorious bandit whose transformation represents the Buddha’s teachings of compassion and love, highlighting the potential for change within every individual. Numerous pilgrims and visitors come here to find peace in the same locations where the Buddha and his disciples once practiced. The serene atmosphere, along with the vibrant greenery, provides an ideal setting for introspection and mindfulness.
May all sentient beings be happy!